Dewa Gede Sudika Mangku
Ganesha University of Education
Study of law at the Department of PPKn FIS UNDIKSHA described the study as an intellectual process in which the learner/student has orientation to develop what they already know of a new pair idea with the idea that he had learned through experience. Legal science is its material object code behave. Therefore, the object of the science of law, i.e. the law, the law can be categorized as a science, that the object can be verified in empiricism and the empirical verification requirements needs to be quite doable in scientific activities. PPKn student provided skills development education of law science on how to think critically, solve problems, decided in the conflict of values and morals, as well as the ability to apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate the knowledge, skills and attitudes that foster awareness of the law for students as good citizens.
Key words: jurisprudence, civic education
The object of this article is a part of legal education in the study of law as a form of study material. This article from the scientific group PPKn consists of three aspects: legal, political and value. Based on the results of studies in various countries, Print the contents or the substance of the material holds citizenship education which principles are: 1) the rights and responsibilities of citizens, 2) governance and institutions, 3). history and Constitution, 4). national identity, 5). the legal system and the rule of law, 6). human rights, political rights, economic and social, 7) process and the principles of democracy, 8) active participation of citizens in civic discourse, 9). International insights, and 10). The values of democratic citizenship. All of the substance of the material is a form of matter in the Development Department of PPKn.
In the reform era up to post this civic education reform also is in the process of reform towards a new paradigm of Education with Citizenship (New Indonesian Civic Education). The reforms range from fundamental aspects, namely the re-orientation of the vision and mission of revitalizing the function and role to restructuring the contents of curriculum and learning materials. In line with the vision of the new paradigm of Citizenship Education, the Mission of these subjects increased competence of students/students to be citizens who served actively in a democratic system of Government. The whole aspect of the charge material PPKn last assessed provides understanding and absorption of knowledge of the archipelago and insight insight into the Republic of Indonesia’s attempt on each student.
Legal science is one aspect of the learning material is fundamentally not understood as the science which is sui generis collectivity, i.e. legal science is the science of its own. It says its own kind of science because science is the scientific quality of legal hard fall into one of the tree branches of science. So it is definitely the revelation will legal science in the realm of natural sciences (PHYSICS), social sciences (IPS) and legal science in the branch of Humanities will not be final in the sense that the science of the law if the existence not traced part of the three branches of the sciences. By Philipus M. Hardjon and Tatiek Sri Djamiati, which examines the nature of typical legal science as a science sui generis is examined from four (4) terms, include: normative character of legal science, law science terminology, types and layers of legal science.
The characteristic of legal science is normative. Such characteristics thus causing while many among the personalities who do not understand the science of the law so that legal nature of science began to doubt. Doubt it due to the nature of the normative science of law is not an empirical science. On the other hand, Polish Indonesia wants to raise the degree of scientific law seeks legal science through sociologic empiricism studies. It is one of the causes of the occurrence of any confusion in the development of the science of law. Most Indonesia jurist lose his personality and the consequences of further legal development is through the creation of laws that are not handled in a professional manner. Legal education is not clear him, so hopefully in the future, national curriculum bridging a reorientation of education of law in Indonesia. Then in order to be taken the attitude, i.e. do not empirically in terms of the normative legal science facet and do not makes it normative in law research.
Terminology of law science in the Netherlands, Germany and the United Kingdom used the term as follows: Rechtswetenschap (Netherlands), Rechtstheorie (Netherlands), Jurisprudence (United Kingdom), Legal science (United Kingdom), Jurisprudent (Germany). Libraries are not sharp in Indonesia language use of the term. The term legal science seems to be casually referred to the terms in a foreign language such as in the Netherlands: Rechtswetenschap, in the narrow sense is a law or legal doctrine dogmatik (de rechtleer) whose task is the description of positive law, legal systematization positively and in some cases also of empirical research.
Thus the law does not value free dogmatik but the terms value. Rechtswetenschap in a broader sense include: law, legal theory dogmatik (in the narrow sense) and the philosophy of law. Rechtstheorie, also has the meaning of narrow and wide. In the narrow sense is a layer of legal science rechtstheorie between law and philosophy of law dogmatik. Theory of law within the meaning of this law is the science of empirical research (een verklarende wetenschap rechts van het). The legal theory is the interdisciplinary nature of science. In a broader sense, rechtstheorie used in the same meaning with rechtswetenschap in the broad sense.
In the United Kingdom-speaking libraries known terms such as: jurisprudence, legal science and legal philosophy has a different meaning with the Netherlands terms as has been described above Lord Lloyd O Yakima, provides as follows:
- Jurisprudence involves the study of general theoretical queations about the nature of laws and legal systems, about the relationship of law to justice and morality and about the social nature of law
- Science however, in concerned with empirically observable fats and events.
Similarly with H.P.H. Visser, from the standpoint of philosophy of science uses the term rechtswetenschappen (Legal Studies), formulate that all law is a discipline of its own law. On that basis it says: rechts is mede wetenschap.
Seen in terms of its own distinguished legal science for two types of normative legal science and empirical legal studies. Empirical legal studies stage currently include: 1) Realists: factual pattern of behavior that is the focus of his study is the behavior for example the behavior of judges, 2) Sociological jurisprudence: law in action and law in the books of criticism: the gap its described but is rarely explained. Flow sosiological jurisprudence focuses on problems of gaps, the gap between the law in books and law in action. But critics of this flow, spicy is that they expose the gap but did not explain why the gaps occur, so there is no solution, 3). socio legal studies, this flow see reciprocal links between law and society on the one hand the influence of law on society and on the other hand the influence of law community.
Some fundamental difference between normative and legal science, law science the empirical relationship, first of all from the basic attitude of scientists, and that is very important is a theory of truth. In the empirical attitude of scientists is as spectators who observe symptoms of its own which can be captured by five senses. In normative Polish actively analyzing norms, so that the role of the subject is very notable. In terms of scientific truth, truth, truth is the correspondence of empirical law, meaning that something is true because carrying was supported by facts (correspond to reality). In the normative basis of pragmatic truth which is basically a consensus colleague officers commonly known as heersende leer (influential teachings).
In chronological order starting with the development of the science of law philosophy and law followed by dogmatik (science of positive law). Two of these disciplines have a very extreme difference. Philosophy of law is highly speculative, as positive law is very technical. In relation to the required disilin the Middle bridges the philosophy of law and positive law. The Central discipline initially shaped the teaching of common law (alegemene rechtsleer) based General legal principles is synonymous of the various legal systems. From teaching the common law developed into a theory of law. A new discipline is not only focusing on the same characteristics but also the same problem from different legal systems.
An understanding of the science of logic is fundamentally true law is generally still having multiple interpretations of a variety of teaching materials science professor among law and an indication of the cause is one of them is due to still having unclearly professional profession in holding courses from professors in their field and also management feared confusion would cause the occurrence of errors of procedure and structure of the delivery of the material science of law not on target against the absorption of knowledge and mastery of the landscape concept and implementation among the students in his capacity as subject and object in the development of the science of law in Indonesia.
Discuss about the truth of it is sure to be closely related to theories of truth in the field of scientific knowledge and science that its substance covers the truth describes the real meaning of what is called the truth as well as the terms of what causes something knowledge is said to be true. So too does the truth is the essence of the law in terms of what would be achieved from the study of truth in the law
Therefore, the size of the truth of which can be thought is a human activity to discover the truth, what is called true by someone beum necessarily true for others. Therefore required a size or the truth criteria. There are three kinds of truth: the truth of epistemology (related to knowledge), the truth of ontologism (relating to something that is or was held), and semantic (related to language and spoken words).
Study of the value (in english) as the material of PPKn aspects, including the study of philosophy. Philosophy is also often interpreted as a science of value (Axiology, Theory of Value). Value of the term in the philosophy used to denote abstract noun meaning (Worth) or good (goodness), and the verb which means an action in a particular psychological evaluate and do an assessment. So as seen from the function of the philosophy of science in this regard is as a means of seeking the truth of all existing phenomena. The only truth, that there is the area of the law known as legal logic. This view was later evolved further even dominate and hegemony, so that each person when talking law as if only the law of truth logic, it is not outside the law.
Study of philosophy of science may also be a scalpel in connection as a means of seeking the truth of all existing phenomena. The only truth, that there is the area of the law known as legal logic. This view was later evolved further even dominate and hegemony, so that each person when talking law as if only the logic that is law of truth, it is not outside the law. Logic is the science of thinking; its material object think and his formal object is thought is right, when linked with scientific statements then it should be a match between reason and empirical. Think philosophy means thinking in order to find truth completely. Philosophy analysis about the nature of science should be emphasized to the scientific efforts in the search for the truth, which was closely associated with the moral aspects, such as honesty, fairness, certainty and benefit. An analysis of the philosophy of science should not be rested on the efforts to improve the scientific reasoning but must include academic moral maturity by using scientific verification both rationally and empirical to search for the truth in the law.
Search for the truth in the law always use benchmark science truth because the law can be categorized science if can be verified empirically based scientific activity. That is not can be proved by the five senses, the law can still be categorized as a science of legal material in the form of objects of guideline behave none five senses that can be achieved by changing the paradigm of scientific and proof provided the empirical verification or proof that enough can be done by the scientific activities.
In harmonizing legal and political life, the campus as a moral force in terms of the development of law and human rights, leads the community campus as the scientific community should really practice the academic culture is primarily not to get caught up in political practice in the sense of being stuck on the legitimacy of the interests of the ruler. This does not mean the community campus is not participating in politics, but should not the Community College should really stick to the moral commitment that is a tradition of objective truth. Therefore, the basic stance of the truth is the truth that the campus community on a conscience as well as the attitude of the sublime poral sourced on the divinity and humanity.
In realizing the consequences of a democratic legal order, then to do the development of positive law. According to the legal code of Indonesia in the framework of the development of the law should be in accordance with the code of conduct for law of Indonesia. Based on that in the development of positive law in Indonesia, the basic philosophy of the State was the source of the material and a source of value to the development of the law, it is based on Tap MPRS No. XX/MPRS/1966, Tap MPR No. III/MPR/2000 and law No. 10 of 2004. But be aware that is the source of all sources of law, is the source of the material and the value for the preparation of laws and regulations in Indonesia. In the preparation of positive law in Indonesia values of Pancasila as the source of the material, the consequences in law in Indonesia should be predicated on the values of God’s law (sila), the value contained in the dignity, dignity and humanity as a guarantee of fundamental rights (human rights) (sila), the value of nationalism Indonesia (sila), the value of democracy rests on the people as the origin of State power (sila IV) and the value of Justice in State and Community Life (4 V). In addition not less important in the preparation and development of law aspirations and the reality of people’s lives and the people is the source of the material in the preparation and development of the law.
So, through this research will be examined regarding the implementation of the education law to search the truth of law in the study of law in the Department of PPKn FIS Undiksha. The consequences that arise, that scientists are invited to explore the law will be the law broadly that the bottom line is none other than searching for truth (truth quest). The truth is the nature of the belief, and derived from the sentence that States the belief. The truth is a certain relationship between a trust with a fact more beyond belief. This is a core thinking philosophy, that any legal academics have no obligation to attempt the search of truth. Search for the truth is actually called as process definition of the law, and this also is a visionary consciousness, that the task of scientists is to enlighten the public, so that education contributes and doesn’t do waste.
This step was taken considering the perspectives developed in General that the material of lectures given less attention to the academic qualification of a concept understood by students will be legal substance absorption is expected. When left is feared will have an impact on the inconsistencies between the law in the books and law in action. Phenomena such as must obtain a positive response especially in connection with the Development Department to increase academic qualifications law into disciplines that stands on its own in the future.
Formulation of the Problem
Based on the above background, there are some issues that are examined in this research, including:
- How does the framework of teoritik study of law in the search for the truth of the science of law as a form of development of national legal systems Indonesia?
- How is the construction of the truth of the law in legal science learning in the Department of PPKn FIS UNDIKSHA to support students ‘ understanding of the absorption in the search for the truth of the science of law objectively support the academic qualification in the field of legal science?
Research Purposes
With reference to the background and the outline of the problem above, as for the purpose of this research was mainly concerned the following matters:
- The purpose of which is both descriptive (describes) to see an overview of the legal framework of the study of teoritik in search of the truth of the science of law as a form of development of national legal systems Indonesia.
- The purpose of which is to formulate the framework of the creative concept of the study of law for this study in the Department of PPKn, FIS education University Ganesha (UNDIKSHA) that is closely coupled with the political aspect and value where legal science was not understood as the science that is sui generis. Analyze the factors that support and hinder the learning of law science in order to be effective in its application. Researchers may need to search the creativity done by the parties, both in terms of Government policy or the University Publisher executor as well as students who targeted education policies knowledge of the law. I wish to meet the constraints of creativity is what is used as a form of anticipationso that the realization of the study of the law remain relevant and able to facilitate the need of knowledge of law students.
Research Authenticity
The original research should be carried out, in the sense that the issue chosen has not been examined by the researchers before, or must be declared explicitly the difference with the research that has been done.
Based on a search was done in libraries library authors do, writing has not been found associated with title: role of legal education as one of the substance of the study in the Department of PPKn FIS UNDIKSHA. However, if later found the same research or writing with the title of this writing, perhaps different perspective and research or writing is considered as material for the study to complete research or existing writing. Therefore this research focuses on the students’ Legal Awareness is due to the absorption of the truth of the science of law still overlap between what was targeted by the fact that occurred in relation to the material detriment of the legal science.
So, the authenticity of his research indicated the study highlighted problems in terms of legal research and weigh the normative juridical nature emphasized that where it is the norm. Search for suitability study of legal implementation is already in accordance with the procedure outlined.
Research Purposes
From the results of this research uses that can be expected is the usability for science and for the development of the Country and the nation.
Contributions to the development of knowledge that can be given through this research are: first, adding insights of science in the field of study of law. Second, contributing to knowledge about the search for truth in a legal study of law at Department PPKn FIS UNDIKSHA as a form of study material. Third, to expand horizons of knowledge or perspective authors in particular and readers in General. Fourth, the results of this research are expected to be in the future as a reference and a reference for subsequent researchers. The development of the country and the nation
As a donation to the University’s thinking on this developmental study of law and legal science in the absorption of students in landscape theory, concept and substance of legal truth quest, particularly about concept and application inconsistencies according to the academic qualification of law science. In terms of the results of this research, is expected to provide valuable inputs to the development of courses in terms of the concentration of legal science in the future, in general the University and in particular for students of the subject and the object of learning, in an attempt to improve the human resources that are capable of making positive towards increased professionalism implies input and output in the field of legal science good citizenship the same thing globally act locally.
Research Methods
The research method is a very important element in a scientific research. Research methods can provide a guideline, about the ways a scientist studying, analyzing and understanding the ligkungan-facing environment.
The nature of research
The authors conducted research aimed at a series of normative research on the nature of the search because the problem is more dominant on the substance of the legal science in the form of laws and regulations related to a search of the truth the substance of legal science learning highlights the aspects of its implementation. To complement the data required, researchers also use legal studies research. Therefore, this research provides a combination of studies law in books and law in action in normative legal research.
Types and How to Obtain the Data
This research uses the following data:
Primary Data i.e. data obtained directly from the resource information, such as, associated with the needed information from the respondents, the researchers conducted a data collection in the field research is with the live interview with a resource person to ask things related to research problems. The interview was conducted against the speaker that the staff of the campus, while students of Academica, which the respondents are students who were targeted and engaged in the study of law in the Department of PPKn and read the references or books/literature related to research topic.
Secondary Data is data obtained from materials libraries which can be classified into three: 1). the primary legal materials 2). secondary legal material, and material law
In this research because that will be studied is how the implementation of education policy about granting legal science courses in the Department of PPKn, then to interpret what is in the other supporting legal documents.
How to Obtain Data
Library Data
Data libraries are shaped legislation and scientific scholars, reference in the collection an inventory method which is used in Content analysis are fixed on the contents of the legislation and the nature of the material, i.e. of beading each data type the material libraries set up issues related to research topic was one.
Empirical Data
The empirical Data obtained from the field, that of the information respondent has been specified. Information from respondents was collected by using the method of interview directly. Live interview is direct orally with the interview respondents. In this study made guide interview with intent to so that there is no question that Miss and get a long and detailed explanation.
Location and Respondents
This research Location research in the Department of PPKn FIS UNDIKSHA
In this research because that will be examined is the process and the results of the policies that shaped the legal products in the field of education, the respondents in this study is the Government authorities concerned with the implementation of the policies that shaped the development of curriculum and national learning systems that have been determined by random in the scope of the Department.
Data Analysis Techniques
This research essentially descriptive, then the analysis is normative. All data is collected either data libraries and data will be analyzed on the basis of quality, by means of the data that has been collected last grouping according to their respective categories, and then interpreted so that means strong in an attempt to answer the problem of research.
Discussion of Research Results
While research has not been done because in detail, by visible results that can only be described only includes the outline and results of the research the following discussion in greater detail will be obtained in terms of the effective data can only be obtained if the draft proposal has gotten approval. The following will try the description that is described as follows:
Study theory of the legal framework in the search for the truth of the science of law as a form of national legal systems development Indonesia
The law should be viewed as a society to meet social needs. Law as a concept that can be developed in such a way as to be used as a tool of social engineering. Law as a tool of social engineering. To that end, the law as a rule development relies heavily on components outside. Logic, history, customs, code of conduct, the fact of the matter is the influential forces of the development of the law.
The concept of law (the building block of a theory) ala Soetandyo
- the law is the principles of truth and justice that are universal and applicable is not supernatural.
- the law is positive norms within the system of statutory national law.
- the law is what is decided by the judge in concreto and systematically as the judge made law.
- the law is social behavior patterns that organize, as social empirical variables exist (law as it is in society: structural-macro-quantitative).
- the law is the manifestation of the symbolic meanings of the social actors as it looks in the interactions between them (law as it is in human action: interaction-micro-qualitative)
The law created a thought-provoking post, where modern theories that once only basis and in Indonesia is now legal phenomenon began being defeated by a group of mass (pressure group) so that the moment of a shift-shift and legal philosophy bridging the search of truth in the law. Search the legal truth intended will try to examined in the study of law in the Department of PPKn FIS UNDIKSHA described the study as an intellectual process in which the learner/student orientation to develop what they already know the idea of a new pair with the idea that he had learned through his experiences are then performed their unique way. In the process of drafting (constructions), learners are affected by social and intellectual environment in which they find themselves. As a result, because student learning more in school and class, setting the te
The science learning process is usually described using the concept of Piaget’s include: adaptation, assimilation, and accommodations that can be described according to where the learning process takes place then it can be explained, students can see or hear something in the environment of the campus (or through other ways). Interpret new experience based on what they’ve had before and arrive at an understanding with connecting a new experience with a deep understanding of the past. The result of this process of learning is learning that is built on three elements: 1. knowledge gained from a new experience; 2. Understanding; 3. personal relationships the new with the old.
Standard subject matter and charge the substance of legal education in the Department of PPKn, intended to ensure that faculty PPKn: general-pedagogical knowledge, capabilities and dispositions necessary to develop learning experiences based on the movements of renewal. The standards of learning that prefer more on learner-centered, meaningful, integrative, value-based, challenging, and active instruction. In implementation the role of the lecturer is very important for the success of the PPKn curriculum for the students and understanding gained unique experience and also the processes they use to connect is also unique, so construction is a unique personal/individual and group assessments tasks of law science in team and adds insights nationality learners.
Construction of the truth of the law in the study of law in PPKn Department FIS UNDIKSHA to support students ‘ understanding of the absorption in the search for the truth of the science of law objectively support the academic qualification in the field of legal science
Search for the truth in the law always use benchmarks truth science because science can be categorized in law can be verified empirically based scientific activity. That is not can be proved by the five senses, the law can still be categorized as a science of legal material in the form of objects of guideline behave none five senses that can be achieved by changing the paradigm of scientific and to proof provided the empirical verification or proof that enough can be done by the scientific activities. To accommodate the view of Poespoprodjo in the Scientific Logic, it will be noted that the obligation of seeking truth is the intrinsic human demands to realize human beings according to the demands of Excellency humanity. Humans are endowed with minds that set it apart from other living things. With this human minds thinking. Basically thinking is a process that resulted in knowledge.
The basic of the truth of the law can use either deductive logic and inductive logic as the basis of philosophy and science means to search for the truth in the law of scientific nature. Based on the nature of scientific truth as the truth search efforts in law can use deductive and inductive logic, both of which are the Foundation of philosophy and means of knowledge. As a basic philosophy because to philosophize is good must be grounded by logic, as science advice because all of science should be supported by a systematic and logical reasoning which is one of the scientific terms. With logic as based on the substance of the philosophy of science, then search for the truth must also be traced by law awareness for others are allegorical; everything that can be seen from the human experience. Thus, the empirical verification as defined earlier can be done by the scientific activities with measures combining between rationalism and em
- Phase I, realized there was a problem so steps were taken to formulate the problem
- Phase II, devise a hypothesis
- phase III, empiric analysis by collecting data
- Phase IV, doing analysis/restriction
- Phase V, made a conclusion: is it suitable proposition with the empirical/rationalism?
Of the five steps above, born of scientific knowledge that match between the empirical knowledge and rational knowledge. Here the meaning of the truth restricted scientific meaning of specificity (scientific). The truth is not absolute, and samad or the relational nature of lenggeng, but (relatively), while the (tentative), and is only an approximation. Based on assessment according to the ontology of empirical science is something/anything that can be examined with the five senses and the other tools.
Legal science is its material object code behave. Based on the knowledge object, then no one else the five senses can grab/capture the symptoms. Therefore, the object of the science of law, i.e. the law, the law can be categorized as a science, that the object can be verified in empiricism. Here’s how: scientific paradigm changed need empirical verification terms quite doable in scientific activities. Legal science have a very distinctive traits which are territory, had its own personality so therefore cannot be compared with other sciences. The study of the science of law should depart from the nature of the science of law. Nature of scientific laws can be explained from the standpoint of philosophy of science approaches and viewpoints theory approach to the law.Distinguishing science from philosophy of science; positivistic viewpoint gave birth to the science of law from the perspective of empirical and normative.
Seen from the viewpoint of epistimology (how to), and outs law itself, the question is how to reach the truth in the law? In order to study the means of scientific thinking can use logic and statistics as a means of inductive thinking with scientific induction patterns for the process of reasoning from specific rights to arrive at common law as a scientific formula, then sequentially as the process of reasoning can be arranged as follows:
- Observation and experiment, the first step is to gather the facts. Specific methods used are observation (monitoring) and selective that close to experiments.
- A scientific hypothesis.The second step in the induction of scientific hypothesis formulation is to be eligible: (a) the hypothesis must be testable truth by comparing with the facts observed. (b)The hypothesis must be open and be able to foresee its consequences for development. (c)The hypothesis must be coherently by dalial-dalial or principles that are considered true. (d)Hypotheses should be able to explain the facts in question.
- Verification and confirmation, the third step in inductive reasoning is conducting the verification. Verify is proving this hypothesis is the proposition. It also includes a generalization, to find a law or evidence the public so the hypothesis becomes a theory.
- Theory and scientific law. The final results in the induction of science is to arrive at hukumilmiah. The question faced by induction is to arrive at a logical basis for generalization by not possible all the things observed, or in other words to determine a logical justification for a false assertion based on some of the things to be applied to all things. While the causal deductive reasoning for a false assertion, that talk about logical construction.
So, of course we can go on and do more observations, do it carefully and scientific nature, until finally we are able to say, law has undergone a lot of testing and we have the full confidence of his righteousness. This is the revelation of law drawn up well and has a good basis.
In the process of developing the education of law science in PPKn, knowledge departments develop holistically and interact with the environment through a process of assimilation, accommodation and equilibrasi not by considering the facts of the difusion. Learning can be done by giving students skills about how to think critically, solve problems, decided in the conflict of values and morals, as well as the ability to apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate the knowledge, skills and attitudes. So students should be driven in the PPKn processes as above through instructional programs that meet the standards of the cognitive, affective and psychomotor, so learners will actual to himself to have the competition like what aspired to by the people of Indonesia. And through it the student can improve his knowledge and his insights in a variety of fields within the framework of the application of a reality in.
Study of law at the Department of PPKn FIS UNDIKSHA described the study as an intellectual process in which the learner/student oriented to develop what they already know the idea of a new pair with the idea that he had learned through experience. Legal science is its material object code behave. Therefore, the object of the science of law, i.e. the law, the law can be categorized as a science, that the object can be verified in empiricism and the empirical verification requirements needs to be quite doable in scientific activities. Student PPKn provided skills development education of law science on how to think critically, solve problems, decided in the conflict of values and morals, as well as the ability to apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate the knowledge, skills and attitudes that foster awareness of the law for students as good citizens. Curriculum development in the college level with the charge of legal education in substance PPKn, are expected to contribute an innovative that is looking for a way out or renewing a latest breakthroughs against the construction of the truth of the law in the study of law in the Department of PPKn FIS UNDIKSHA to support students ‘ understanding of the absorption in the search for the truth of the science of law objectively support the academic qualification in the field of legal science.
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