1. The motor unit comprises a spinal anterior cell and :
a. It’s motor axon
b. muscle fibre it supplies
d. none
2.Pyramidal tract neurons liein the :
a. precentral gyrus
b. postcentral gyrus
c. superior temporal gyrus
d. inferior temporal gyrus
3. It is not a sign of injury to lower motor neuron:
a. Hypertonia
b. reduced tendon reflexes
c. flexor plantar response
d. fasciculations
4. All are signs of pyramidal lesinon except :
a. extensor plantar response
b. muscle wasting
c. exaggerated tendon reflexes
d. impaired fine movements
5.Lesion in the substantia nigra may cause :
a. hypokinesia
b. resting tremor
c. muscular rigidity
d. all of the above
6. “lead pipe “rigidity occurs in lesions of :
a. pyramidal tract
b. extra pyramidal tract
c. cerebellum
d. none
7. Cerebellum is concerned with :
a. posture
b. voluntary movements
c. balance
d. all of the above
8. Not a feature of cerebellar lesion :
a. intention tremor
b. hypertonia
c. ataxia
d. nystagmus
9. Manifestations of cerebellar injury not includes :
a. exaggerated tendon reflexes
b. Dysarthria
c. dysmetria
d. head tremor
10. Increased tendon reflex activity with clonus may seen in lesion of :
a. cerebellum
b. motor neuron
c. pyramidal tract
d. all of the above
11. Spinal segmental supply of “biceps” jerk is :
a. cervical4,5
b. cervical 5,6
c. cervical 7
d. cervical 7,8
12. Spinal segmental supply of “knee”jerk is :
a. lumbar 3,4
b. lumbar 4.5
c. lumbar 5
d. sacral1
13. Function of frontal lobe is :
a. emotional response
b. personality
c. social behavior
d. all of the above
14. Demyelination of peripheral nerve causes :
a. decreased conduction velocity
b. low action potential amplitude
c. both
d. none
15. Facial nerve functions includes all except :
a. taste sensation to anterior2/3 tongue
b. nerve supply to levator palatei
c. supply to lacrimal gland
d. supply to stapedius
16. Lesion of facial nerve nucleus may show :
a. eye fails to close
b. lost of frontal wrinkling
c. deviation of mouth to paralyzed side
d. loss of nasolabial fold
17. True about increased intracranial pressure :
a. bradycardia
b. HTN
c. papilloedema
d. all of the above
18. Majority of strokes are due to :
a. cerebral infarction
b. haemorrhage
c. head injury
d. idiopathic
19. The most common vascular disorder underlying stroke is:
a. arteriolar sclerosis
b. berry aneurysm
c. atherosclerosis
d. polyarteritis
a. substantia nigra
b. subthalamic nucleus
c. putamen
d. substantiagelatinosa
1-C 2- A 3-A 4- B 5-D 6-B 7-D 8-B 9-A 10- C 11- B 12- A 13-D 14- A 15- B 16-C 17- D 18- A 19-C 20-A
2 Assessment
1. clinically the following will be present in UMN lesion except for :
a. spasticity
b. clonus
c. babinski response
d. hyperreflexia
e. fasciculation and fibrillation
2. Muscle atrophy is present commonly in :
c. both lesion
d. none of the above
3. Proprioception sense is the following except for :
a. position sense
b. sense of passive movement
c. vibration sense
d. deep pain
e. superficial sensation
4. Stereognosis is :
a. ability to recognize objects by feel and manipulation
b. ability to hear
c. ability to move joints
d. all of the above
5. Graphesthesia is the ability to :
a. recognize the letters written over the skin
b. put calculation
c. find solution to problem
d. none
6. Circumduction gait is seen in:
a. sciatica
b. poliomyelitis
c. cerebral palsy
d. hemiplegia
7. Parkinson,s gait is :
a. shuffling gait
b. festinant gait
c. freezing gait
d. all of the above
8. Wrist drop is aue to :
a. paralysis of radial nerve
b. weakness of extensors
c. wrist flexor spasm
d. all of the above
1. The embolic stroke is caused by:
a. heart disease
b. internal carotid artery thrombus
c. atheromatous plaque of carotid sinus
d. middle cerebral artery thrombus
e. all of the above
2. The spasticity develops in the following:
a. arms and legs
b. head muscle
c. neck and thunk muscle
d. all of the above
e. none
3. The upper extremity pattern in hemiplegia is:
a. shoulder elevation
b. humeral abduction
c. internal rotation of humerus
d. elbow flexion
e. all of the above
4. The righting reactions are :
a. neck righting
b. body righting on headand trunk
c. optical righting
d. labyrinthine righting on head
e. all of the above
5. protective reactions can be elicited by :
a. moving theperson forward
b. moving the person backward
c. moving the person sideways
d. all of the above
Head injury
The cause for knee hyperxtension in stance is :
a. due to tendon Achilles tightness
b. quadriceps paralysis
c. hip flexor weakness
d. all of the above
Peripheral nerve lesions
1. Peripheral nerves are arising from
a. cerebal cortex
b. cerebellum
c. spinal cord
d. pons
2. The gait due to common peroneal nerve injury is :
a. high stepping gait
b. circumduction gait
c. lurching gait
d. calcaneal gait
Guillain – barre syndrome
1. GBS is characterized, i.e. the following except for :
a. distal paresthesia
b. ascending weakness
c. respiratory paralysis
d. brain death
Duchenne,s muscular dystrophy
1. The commonly affected age group is:
a. 40-50
b. below 10 years
c. 20 years
d. 20 and above
2. The disease is more common in:
a. girls
b. boys
c. both sex
d. all of the above
3. During acute, the child will be having :
a. delayness in milestones
b. walking difficulty
c. weakness of muscles
d. none
Parkinson’s Disease:
Tremor disappear due to:
A- rest
B- sleep
C- work
D- walk
Spinal Cord Injury:
The complete fracture in cervical region result in :
A- Paraplegia
B- Quadriplegia
C- Paraparesis
D- Monoplegia
Brown sequard syndrome result in:
A- Ipsilateral motor loss and contralateral sensory loss
B- Paraparesis
C- Quadriplegia
D- None